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William Wyler is the only director with 3 best picture wins, there are ten double Oscar best picture winners.It’s also the only X rated film to have won a best picture Oscar. Midnight Cowboy (1969) is the only adult rated movie to be nominated for an Oscar.Frank Lloyd, in the 2nd Academy Awards, is the only best director award winner for a movie (The Divine Lady) which wasn’t also nominated for best picture.The record number of Oscars won by a single film is 11, held by The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), Titanic (1997) and Ben-Hur (1959).La La Land (2016) equals the record of 14 Oscar nominations for a movie, joining Titanic (1997) and All About Eve (1950).

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The director of the Oscar winning movie each year also wins the Oscar Best Director Award 64% (67 to 24) of the time.8 Oscar Best Picture Winners Movie Records & Trivia

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